Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bobby Flay

Dear Mr. Flay,
I got a bone to pick with you. I like to consider myself a 'foodie' so when the opportunity of meeting you in Las Vegas came along, I jumped at the chance. A friend and I bought tickets to several Bon Appetit events that were being held throughout Vegas. As you can imagine they weren't cheap. We didn't mind, we were stoked at the fact that we could meet some of our most favorite chefs while sampling their food. Everyone was nice but YOU. In fact, you were a pompous ass! You refused to sign any autographs (even though folks shelled out over $75 for your cookbook), you refused to take pictures (even though the 2 hour event cost almost $200) and you even refused to cook (you sent in your employees from Mesa to cook for you). You, Mr. Flay are an asshole. Your attitude sucked and you left a bad taste in quite a few peoples mouths. You need to remember that it is your fans that made you (and keep you) famous, acting like a tool isn't a cool thing to do.
Dawn Barron
P.S. I never would have realized you were so small just by watching you on t.v., it took me standing right next to you. Perhaps it's a Napolean complex?!


  1. i think you posted this on facebook too? i remember thinking you ruined him for me!! :-) it's ok...i wasn't in love....but i did like his throw down show. didn't you say he married one of the law and order girls?!?

  2. Seriously, he sounds like such a twit! I love these Food Network blogs posts of yours and cannot WAIT until you review Paula Dean! Heaven help her...

  3. omg brenda....paula dean was just on oprah and i swear her hair was purple!!! it was so distracting i could barely pay attention to what anyone was saying!! :-)
