Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My first blog.

Well kids, here goes nothing. I've decided today to start a blog. I've waited a while to do so, because I thought, who the hell would be interested in what I had to say (or think) for that matter? Then I realized my Facebook statuses were getting longer and longer and longer....well you get the picture.
So welcome to my blog. For those that know me, I can be funny, crass, loud and opinionated and I expect my blog to be the same. :-)


  1. So do I get to write a million times "I love you?"

    My life is funny, but is funnier when the stories are told in person, as Jennifer will attest to.

    And I leave you with this "HOW MUCH FOR YOU ROOT BEER POP????"

    Mommy Dearest

  2. Dawnie,
    You could give Elen a run for her money! Love your thoughts - you always make me smile :O)
